포스코는 ‘더불어 함께 발전하는 기업시민’ 경영이념을 기반으로
더 나은 세상을 만드는데 기여하고,
더 큰 기업가치를 창출하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
포스코는 ‘더불어 함께 발전하는 기업시민’ 경영이념을 기반으로
더 나은 세상을 만드는데 기여하고,
더 큰 기업가치를 창출하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
HOME Sustainability Sustainability
With the goal to take part in addressing social issues and contribute to fostering a more prosperous world and better tomorrow for humanity, POSCO Group has been practicing the management philosophy of Sustainability.
By embracing sustainable management practices that prioritize long-term company growth as well as environmental and social responsibility, we aim to foster mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders and enhance corporate value while sustaining growth.
Here are our five activities designed to practice our management philosophy of Sustainability.
Five brands to represent
‘A Company I Want to Be With’
Five Brands and Goals
A company people
I want to trade with
A company people
I want to grow with
A company people
I protect the
environment with
A company people
I create a future with
A company that
works with the community
Main Themes
Drive shared growth with business partners to build a strong industry ecosystem
Build a POSCO venture platform to explore new growth businesses
Commit to Net Zero by 2050 and act to achieve a net-zero economy
Build infrastructure and support programs for future generation to promote health and safety
Serve as a role model for businesses and communities to grow together
Share export-bound shipping load
Change Up Ground
Waste Shell Recycling
Model solutions to address low birth rate
Space Walk