HOME Investor Relations Treasury Stock - Shareholder Return Policy
Between 2020 and 2021, with the goal to enhance shareholder value, ₩1 trillion worth of treasury shares (4.5 million shares, 5.1%) were purchased; then, in 2022, ₩670 billion (2.6 million shares, 3.0%) were retired. We have:
Buyback History
(1 Million shares)

Retirement History

· repurchased 39.8 million treasury shares (cumulative) since the first buyback in 1992
· canceled 11.9 million treasury shares (cumulative) since the first retirement in 2001
· sold 19.2 million treasury shares (cumulative) for multiple purposes, i.e. foreign stock exchange listing, ESOP funding.
· 8.7 million treasury shares (10.3%) remaining at the end of 2023.